Trucking accidents are a serious issue that can lead to devastating consequences. These accidents often result in severe injuries or even fatalities, and the damage caused can be extensive. Understanding the common causes of trucking accidents is crucial in preventing them and ensuring the safety of everyone on the road. 

Additionally, when an accident does occur, it is essential to have a skilled Milwaukee trucking accident lawyer who can thoroughly investigate the incident to determine liability and seek appropriate compensation for the victims.

1. Driver Fatigue

One of the leading causes of trucking accidents is driver fatigue. Truck drivers often work long hours, sometimes driving through the night or for extended periods without enough rest. Fatigue can impair a driver’s ability to react quickly and make sound decisions, increasing the risk of accidents. 

A lawyer investigating a trucking accident will look into the driver’s logs and records to determine if the driver was in compliance with the hours of service regulations mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

2. Distracted Driving

In today’s digital age, distracted driving has become a significant concern, not only for passenger vehicles but also for truck drivers. Distractions such as using cell phones, eating, adjusting the radio, or even reading a map can take a driver’s attention away from the road and lead to accidents. 

A lawyer investigating a trucking accident will analyze phone records and other evidence to determine if the driver was engaged in any distracting activities at the time of the crash.

3. Improper Loading and Cargo Shifts

Improper loading of cargo or shifts in the cargo during transit can cause a truck to become unstable, leading to accidents. If the cargo is not properly secured, it can shift, causing the truck to tip over or jackknife. 

A lawyer investigating a trucking accident will examine the loading and securing procedures to determine if proper protocols were followed. Additionally, they will assess whether the cargo was within the weight limits allowed by law.

4. Mechanical Failures

Mechanical failures, such as brake failures, tire blowouts, or defective parts, can significantly contribute to trucking accidents. Poor maintenance, inadequate inspections, or faulty manufacturing can all lead to mechanical failures. 

A lawyer investigating a trucking accident will work with experts to examine the truck’s maintenance records, inspect the vehicle, and determine if any mechanical failures played a role in the accident.

5. Inadequate Training

Truck drivers require specialized training to safely operate their vehicles. 

However, some trucking companies may not train their drivers adequately, leading to accidents. A lawyer investigating a trucking accident will assess the driver’s training records to determine if they received the necessary training and if the company followed proper hiring protocols.


Trucking accidents can have devastating consequences, and it is crucial to understand the common causes to prevent them. When an accident does occur, having a skilled lawyer who can thoroughly investigate the incident is essential to determine liability and seek justice for the victims. By examining driver logs, gathering evidence, consulting experts, and assessing maintenance records, a lawyer can build a strong case that holds the responsible parties accountable and helps victims receive the compensation they deserve.